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We all know that our dog's favorite place at the home is the backyard, and maybe the two of you have that in common! While you’re making the backyard your oasis, you might be thinking about your pup’s needs as well. As dog lovers ourselves, we’ve come up with a few ideas to make your backyard their dream.


Water features can be a great way for your dog to cool off. A fountain or shallow pool/pond could be a great, aesthetically pleasing option if the space is available. An outdoor shower could be a great option for both you and your dog. Not only is showering outside refreshing but it also makes it easy to clean up dirty paws. We would suggest a standalone shower fixture with a nice privacy enclosure around it. This way the shower head is mobile and will make it easier to spray your dog off. A lot goes into the design of an outdoor shower: the enclosure, any shelving, type of fixture, and drainage are all things you have to take into consideration when designing. Both a water feature and outdoor shower can provide some much-needed cooling and cleaning off after an afternoon of playing in the backyard for your dog.


Plants can not only make your yard beautiful, but some can help repel fleas as well. Catnip, marigolds, rosemary, sage, and cedar are all examples of plants that have been shown to repel fleas and keep them away from your yard and dog. A great way to incorporate cedar would be to use cedar chips as mulch, it will keep weeds and bugs away. Most important though is to check and make sure that whatever plants you decide to go with in your space are non-toxic to dogs.


The big question for every dog owner is what to do about grass. There are a few solutions to help keep your grass green, (1) a dog run and/or (2) artificial turf. If you’re worrying about aesthetics with a dog run, fear no more! You can ditch the fenced in dog run look with a few simple tricks. First, you can start by installing an oversized mulched area along the perimeter of your yard for your dog to go to the bathroom and run in. Next, spend the first week by doing a little dog training to convince them they should use the bathroom in this area. One simple training tool is to turn your sprinklers on in the grass area when you let your dogs out so they know to stay off the grass and stick to the mulch bed. Eventually you will teach them to go to the bathroom in the area you have created and an added bonus...your grass is watered as well! A second option is artificial turf. There are many types of artificial turf that range in look and texture, a grass characteristic your dog will find very important. The secret with artificial turf is applying a deodorizer, we like to use a Pet2Turf product, which has a deodorizer fill to help relieve the smell of ammonia in the yard. Artificial turf is great for drainage and your aesthetics as well! The bottom line is no chemical product will get rid of dog urine stains from your natural or track marks from running in circles, so if you can’t beat it get creative with it!


When it comes to designing your backyard, you have a lot to think about, including your pet. Fences and the right plants can keep them safe, artificial turf and dog runs can keep your grass green, and a water feature or shower can keep you both cool and the inside of your house clean. Looking to design a yard to make your yard beautiful and your dog happy? These are just a few ways to incorporate both into your landscape design and construction.

Daniel Thorpe